Solid Edge ST2 - MP7
Przestrzeń Krakowa
Solid Edge (Maintenance Pack)
This Maintenance Pack addresses the following PRs:
PR 1780429: VB.NET Program cannot save a simple assembly file
PR 1783822: PartsList.Add method is not using predefined origin
PR 6342066: API 'SelectSet.Add' is not working with Parts list object
PR 1785407: Performance delay when using Title in the "Document name formula"
PR 6338066/6339460: Save fails after network disconnect then reconnect
PR 1719100: Unconstrained part in an assembly does not get positioned correctly relative to coordinate system
PR 6313967: Solid Edge aborts when deleting files from the File Open dialog
PR 6324336: Wireframe mode is using part edge color
PR 6357189: Crash in axis dimensions resolved based on auto-capture crashlog
PR 1790105: Active parts are not shown in the provided assembly
PR 1790461: Part is no longer displayed after editing an assembly hole feature
PR 6260509: Improved locate sort order for in-place active subassembly cases
PR 6343399: Appearance events are not working properly in Virtual Studio
PR 1790001: Creating a revolved assembly feature cutout, results in broken silhouette edge links
PR 1791570: Assembly features are in a warned state when opening with parts inactive
PR 1780236: Legacy hole table does not use drawing scale when updated
PR 6311605: Parts list copy to clipboard is omitting the last character return
PR 1785794: Provided Draft file does not open
PR 2146859: Parts list title is changing
PR 6355444: Detail Views Go Out of Date when detail envelope is moved
PR 1779926: Cannot copy and paste balloons of part list
PR 1787190: Copy/Paste in draft works only once from MP4 to MP5
PR 6311777: FOP table variables removed when opened in ST2
PR 1694036: The Save Copy As command is not available in Part if opened by double clicking a Drawing view
PR 1760632: Cropped boundary is not displayed correctly on revolved section view
PR 1789683: Parts list is missing when an old draft file is opened
PR 6308835: Cannot show cropping edges on a detail view derived from a revolved section
PR 6361317: Detail view on revolved section view always shows as out-of-date
PR 6247587: Draft Callout.txt is not honoring custom reports location.
Note: The fix for 6247587 will result in properly searching for the
DraftCallout.txt saved settings file in the user-defined Reports
folder. If you set a user-defined reports folder and use callout saved
settings, then you need to manually move or copy your existing
DraftCallout.txt from the …\template\reports folder to your user-
defined reports folder.
===Insight/View & Markup===
PR 6315177: Problem with Full Text Search in Insight ST2 MP2 when modifying DFTs
PR 6342891: Unable to copy files with linked Excel spreadsheets
PR 1790756: Undo Check out of a modified file saved (Cache) does not delete the changes
PR 6362669: Editing properties in Search Property Manager on open file results in lost work
=====Part/Profile/Sheet Metal=====
PR 1780116: Cannot move holes in a part that has been converted from traditional to synchronous
PR 6278206: Crash in Variable Table command resolved based on auto-capture crashlog
PR 6340132: Advanced Live Rules Tree View will not deselect faces
PR 1784612: Unable to edit the diameter of a cylinder that contains a chamfer
PR 6282481: Feature from feature library is not placed correctly
PR 6360890: Unable to open an NX 7.5 document in ST3
PR 1753614: A chamfer with equal setbacks at non perpendicular faces are not maintained
PR 6360783: Can't change the font size of PMI Annotations in converted Synchronous file
===== Solid Edge Embedded Client=====
PR 1785898: Importing large amounts of data to TCX fails due to the space separator in Swedish locale
PR 1787630: AddToTeamcenter does not create a precise BOM if an item exists
PR 1783479: PDF files created after Save All with multiple draft datasets open are wrong
PR 1788838: AddToTeamcenter fails to import .xls file
PR 6356301: Duplicate entries created in BVR after IPA