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Sprzedam itemki na Zhypermu za X-World Itemki!
Przestrzeń Krakowa
Chce sprzedaæ konto na zhypermu za itemki na x-world ! Konto na zhypermu jest wyj±tkowe i z najlepszymi itemkami wiêc licze na dobre offerty ! Co do wymiany dogadamy siê na
GG : 3107835
Lista Itemków na ZhyperMU :
1) excellent dark knight set+13+full option+pink
2) wings of storm+13+full option
2) 2xbb+13+full optuion
3) 2x excellent rings of fire+13+full option
4) excellent pendant of fire+13+full option
5) excellent titan set+13+full option+F.S
6) excellent brave set+13+full option+F.S
7) 2x sword of breaker+13+full option+F.S
8) 2x sword of flame +13+full option+F.S
1) excellent dark soul set+13+full option+yellow opt
2) vortex wings+13+full option
3) ecellent grand viper staff+13+full option+pink
4) execellent grand soul sheild+13+full option
5) 2xring of ice+13+full option 1x pendant of water+13+full option
6) wings of soul+13+full option
7) excellent hades set+13+full option+f.s
8) excellent imberial staff+13+full option+f.s
muse elf/high elf
1) exellent sylpid set+13+full option+pink
2) excellent sylpid bow+13+full option+pink
3) excelent pendant of water+13+full option
4) 2x excellent rings of ice+13+full option
5) excellent faith set+13+full option+f.s
6) excellent seraphim set+13+full option+f.s
7) excellent dark stinger bow+13+full options+f.s
1) excellent phantom set+13+full option+f.s
2) 2x excellent imperial sword+13+full option+f.s
3) excellent pendant of fire+13+full option
4) 2x excellent rings of fire+13+full option
5) Hurricane Wing+13+full option
6) excellent destroyer set+13+full option+f.s
1) excellent pendant of fire+13+full option
2) 2x excellent rings of fire+13+full option
3) excellent crimson sheild+13+full option no socket
4) excellent cross sheild+13+full option
5) excellent king set+13+full option+f.s
6) excellent absolute scepter+13+full option+F.S
7) mantle of monarch+13+full option
8) horse lvl 50